Hii all! :)
I have great news for you, - Pitus Berry - is OPEN! but only at Marketplace for now.
- Pitus Berry - needs serious bloggers, if you are a serious blogger and are interested to be an official blogger of - Pitus Berry -
IM or NC to LauritaPitusBerry Resident.
Shirt : LMD Evy Camisole Snow NEW! (No free) Leri Miles Designs
Skirt : LMD Evy MESH Pencil Skirt Snow NEW! (No free) Leri Miles Designs
*Shoes : - Quintessencia - Jess Pumps BQ ll Mesh - NEW! (70L$) - Quintessência - @BeautyQueen
**Clutch : AUSHKA&CO-My Little Leather Clutch-R-Silver-Pose 1 NEW! (49L$) AUSHKA&CO
Nails : - Quintessencia - Nail BQ Model Square l - NEW! (40L$) - Quintessência - @BeautyQueen
Dimples : Kennedy's "Dimples" NEW! (60L$) Kennedy's@BeautyQueen
Hair : [LeLutka]-MOURRAY hair/Dark Brunette (No free) [LeLutka]
Skin : -Poudre- [Kerly] - T - 02 - NEW! (No free) - POUDRE -
Shape : - Pitus Berry - Annabel Shape NEW! (150L$) - Pitus Berry - @MP
*Also available in blue.
-18 Colors
-Right Hand Pose
-Left Hand Pose
-Scripted an non scripted option for both hands.
Single: 49 Ls
Fat Pack: 600 Ls - Save up to 282Ls when you purchase the fat pack.
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